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In the Rearview
Skąd dokąd

Director(s): Maciek HamelaPL, UA, FR84 min.2023
Accessibilitynot suitable for minors under 15 years of age
Content descriptorsviolence, fear
LanguagesUkrainian, French, Russian, Polish, English
SubtitlesEnglish, slovak
Black and white / colourcolor

In the Rearview is an authentic, intimate observation of war as it unfolds, following multiple generations of Ukrainian civilians as they abruptly abandon their homes and rely on the help of director Maciek Hamelaʼs volunteer aid van to escape the life-threatening conflict. As he steers through minefields to leave Ukraine and tries to get through numerous military checkpoints, Hamela offers us a seat in his car, guiding the documentary from behind the wheel and behind the camera, crisscrossing the roads of Ukraine to transport uprooted refugees safely to Poland. The van traverses tens of thousands of kilometers and serves as a waiting room, hospital, shelter, and zone for confidences and confessions among compatriots thrown together by chance.


Silver Hugo for the Best Documentary – Chicago International Film Festival 2023 (USA)

Political Film Award in the International Competition for European Co-Productions – Hamburg Film Festival 2023 (Germany)

Golden Eye for the Best International Documentary Film – Zurich Film Festival 2023 (Switzerland)

Amnesty International Award in Human Rights Section – Thessaloniki Documentary Film Festival 2024 (Greece)

IMDb web
Projection of In the Rearview at JEDEN SVET 2024
Crowned with Laurels

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