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Against the Tide
Against the Tide

Director(s): Sarvnik KaurIN, FR97 min.2023
Accessibilitysuitable for all age groups of minors
LanguagesMarathi, Hindi, English
SubtitlesEnglish, slovak
Black and white / colourcolor

Bombay fishermen Rakesh and Ganesh are inheritors of the great Koli knowledge system – a way to harvest the sea by following the moon and the tides. Rakesh has kept faith in the traditional fishing methods while Ganesh has strayed away from them, embracing technology. Against the Tide is a tale of friendship and rising resentment between the two men, as close as brothers, against the backdrop of an adoring sea, which is increasingly turning hostile because of climate change.


World Cinema Documentary Special Jury Award in Vérité Filmmaking section – Sundance Film Festival 2023 (USA)

Sustainable Future Award – Sydney Film Festival 2023 (Australia)

Golden Gateway Award in International Competition – Mumbai Film Festival 2023 (India)

IMDb web
Projection of Against the Tide at JEDEN SVET 2024
Crowned with Laurels

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