Grey ZoneŠedá zóna
Accessibility | not suitable for minors under 12 years of age |
Content descriptors | fear, discrimination |
Languages | Slovak |
Black and white / colour | color and black&white |
An authorial documentary film directed by Daniela Meressa Rusnoková brings a sensitive perspective on the little-discussed topic of premature births and saving highly immature infants born in the so-called “grey zone”. Through a testimony of a mother who represents the voice of many others, it raises fundamental questions of neonatology and depicts the journey of maternal care for children with special needs. What dilemmas and ethical issues must doctors and parents face? Where do we stand in supporting children with disabilities and their families and how can we improve?
Panel Discussion
After the screening of the film Grey Zone, we invite you to an expert panel discussion. We will raise the topics of support for families with children with disabilities, care for premature babies and maternal mental health disorders. We will also discuss topics such as early intervention, effective guidance for parents after returning from hospital, child stimulation, palliative care, support for bereaved parents and abandoned children, as well as support from the state and the possibilities of inclusive education in Slovakia. With experts, we will attempt not only to answer these questions, but also to explore other challenges we face in this area.
Erika Tichá, special and therapeutic educator, vision therapist from the non-profit organisation Early Intervention Centre Bratislava;
Lucia Kubíny from Tanana, a civic association focused on support for families after the loss of a child;
Marek Roháček from the civic association Návrat;
Monika Fričová from the Platform of Families of Children with Disability;
Vladislav Matej from the Social Reform Foundation SOCIA;
Anna Symington-Maar from the inclusive school and kindergarten Rozmanita;
Daniela Meressa Rusnoková, director of the film Grey Zone.
Hosted by Frederika Hazeová.
18:00 24. Oct | Film was already screened | Film was already screened |