Details about the film

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Grey Zone
Šedá zóna

Director(s): Daniela Meressa RusnokováSK85 min.2024
Accessibilitynot suitable for minors under 12 years of age
Content descriptorsfear, discrimination
Black and white / colourcolor and black&white

An authorial documentary film directed by Daniela Meressa Rusnoková brings a sensitive perspective on the little-discussed topic of premature births and saving highly immature infants born in the so-called “grey zone”. Through a testimony of a mother who represents the voice of many others, it raises fundamental questions of neonatology and depicts the journey of maternal care for children with special needs. What dilemmas and ethical issues must doctors and parents face? Where do we stand in supporting children with disabilities and their families and how can we improve?

Projection of Grey Zone at JEDEN SVET 2024
Slovakia and Czechia for Human Rights

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