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Hanging Without Walls
Pozor, padá SNG!

Director(s): Jana Durajová, Lena KušnierikováSK78 min.2023
Accessibilitysuitable for all age groups of minors
Black and white / colourcolor

The Kafkaesque process of renovating the Slovak National Gallery has been going on for over a decade without the end in sight. Throughout these years Alexandra Kusá, the general director of the Gallery, has fought alongside her father – the architect appointed to the reconstruction – and colleagues to turn the public's dream of a modern cultural institution into reality. However, the crazy bureaucratic rollercoaster full of never-arriving permits and constant battles with the contractors has made Alexandra question whether her efforts are in vain.

Projection of Hanging Without Walls at JEDEN SVET 2024
Slovakia and Czechia for Human Rights

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