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Opening Ceremony: I Shall Not Hate
I Shall Not Hate

Director(s): Tal BardaCA, FR95 min.2024
Accessibilitynot suitable for minors under 15 years of age
Content descriptorsviolence, discrimination, fear
LanguagesHebrew, English, Arabic
SubtitlesEnglish, Slovak, english (suitable for the deaf)
Black and white / colourcolor
ExtraInclusive subtitles provided, Audiodescription provided

Opening ceremony will be combined with the award ceremony of the Elena Lacková Prize and screening of the film I Shall Not Hate. We invite you, along with Slovenská sporiteľňa bank, to enjoy a variety of refreshments prepared by the clients of the Mareena Community Centre, after the screening.


Palestinian doctor Izzeldin Abuelaish is a man with an unusually big heart. I Shall Not Hate follows his life’s journey from the Jabalia refugee camp in Gaza to the University of Toronto and the Israeli Supreme Court. Abuelaish was the first Palestinian doctor to work in an Israeli maternity ward. But when an Israeli tank bombs his house and kills his three daughters, his mission of forgiveness and reconciliation is put to the ultimate test.

IMDb trailer
Projection of Opening Ceremony: I Shall Not Hate at JEDEN SVET 2024
Around the World
18. Oct
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